‘Does your method interface with all existing fintech?’ Did you build a Segway?All is a very large
Copy of LinkedIN post, 2020
All is a very large identifier.
I say Yes. We built the method to interface with industry standards, laws, rules,regulations, accounting, clearing, record keeping, et al.
Could there be an occasion where our ‘plug and play’ has challenges? Sure.
Segway is closing down. Why? Maybe it was due to where the product had to operate. Streets and sidewalks. The existing infrastructure is not friendly to the Segway. We believe we built a product that blends in seamlessly. #fintech#regulatorycompliance # #interestrates#capitalmarkets#tbac#bankofengland#purchasingpower#economy#liquidity#investments#assetallocation#moodys#standardandpoor’s #kroll#shari’a #islamicfinance#corporatefinance#municipalfinance#mortgagefinance#riskmanagement